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National Geographic World Cultures & Geography has been designed by experts in geography education. In the monographs and podcasts listed below, National Geographic World Cultures & Geography program consultants present best practices for teaching that are grounded in current research. Use these monographs, podcasts, and study guides to foster professional dialogue around each topic.
Author Monograph Title Podcast Download*

Peggy Altoff

Active Learning in the Geography Classroom

MP3 Coming Soon

Mark H. Bockenhauer National Geographic Connections MP3 Coming Soon

Andrew J. Milson Technology in the Geography Classroom MP3 Coming Soon

David W. Moore Supporting Geography Learners with Text MP3 Coming Soon

Janet Smith

Thinking Like a Geographer

MP3 Coming Soon

Michael W. Smith Fostering Students' Ability to Write Argument MP3 Coming Soon

* To download the podcast, right click on the MP3 image and choose "Download Target to Disk" or "Save to Desktop" Adobe Reader Download
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